Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Linda, the strong (fresh and easy).

I got to be a guardian angel last night.

After spending a delightful day de-dog hairing the domicile, I headed off in TJ.  Not for any particular reason, just for a drive till I figured out what I wanted to do for dinner.  I decided to let my intuition guide me.  Just as I was about to pass Fresh and Easy, I felt compelled so I quickly cut across two lanes to pull into the parking lot.

Not sure what would be there.  Logic dictated that I get something already hot and ready to eat.  I had run out of propane and it was too late in the day to get more.  I headed in to the store, walked around a little bit, looked at a few things, including Ice Cream and Vitamins.  Found nothing. 

On my way out of the store, I passed a woman sitting on the floor in front of the checkout.  All by herself she just sat there, looking around with her eyes slightly glazed over.  Everyone was just ignoring her.  I assessed the situation and proceeded with a smile.  As a former “not well” person, I have had low blood sugar dips as well as seizures that sent me to the floor in lieu of falling.  I recognized the scenario.

Sure enough, she had sunk into an aura, feared a seizure and sat down.   The manager had gotten her a green smoothie and left her there to recover.  So I finished checking out her groceries (even acted as if I were the clerk to lighten the mood), I lifted her off the floor, got her safely to my Jeep and gave her a ride home.

At her home I juiced her some spinach and celery, and talked with her until her head had cleared enough to drive her back to her vehicle.  Interesting person for certain.  

Then I treated myself to a Capastrami because it seems Capriottis is now open till 9.  Oh how the blessings flow!

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